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How Many Calories Should I Eat Every Day? A TDEE Calculator for Total Daily Energy Expenditure

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“Steve, how many calories should I eat every day? I have goals!”

Great question.

Knowledge is power, so today, we are going to make you more powerful by calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

Click below to jump right into the action:

These concepts are fairly complex, and many people want more assistance and guidance on their journey. We help men and women and self-aware robots get their nutrition dialed-in with our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program. We do nutritional guidance, habit building, professional accountability, and custom workouts. We’d love to see if we’d be a good fit for each other!


These two LEGOs are ready for some simple math to determine their calorie needs. We can just use our TDEE Calculator.

We’re going to start off by doing some math.

Don’t worry, our robot calculator (beep boop boop) will do all the hard stuff for you.

We will need to know your height in inches, your weight in pounds, and an idea on your activity level.

(Use the metric system? I wish we did too here in the States! Click right here for our Metric calculator).

Although you can adjust it, I want you to set your “Activity Level” as “Sedentary,” (I’ll explain why in a minute):

Nerd Fitness Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator

Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator
Use age in years.
Use pounds (lbs). If using metric system, multiple kg times 2.2 for lbs.
Use inches. If using metric system, divide cm by 2.54 for total inches.
Your BMR is an estimate of the total calories burned a day, while in a state of rest.
For "Activity Level," veer toward the side of less active. Studies consistently show that people are not as active as they self-assess.
Your TDEE is an estimate of the total calories burned during a single day, when exercise is factored in.

(Note: we have used the The Mifflin-St Jeor Equation to create this calculator! [1])

Hooray! You now know estimates of your BMR and TDEE![2]

Batman is stoked you know your BMR and TDEE!

You may be thinking, “Ah, Steve, what do either of these mean?

I got you boo.

Make sure you write down your two numbers, and then move onto the next section.

If you’re already starting to get overwhelmed, have no fear! We help hundreds of men and women calculate their calorie goals, and we’d love to help you too!


This notebook has the equation for BMR on it. You don't have to know it though, just use our TDEE calculator.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the total amount of calories needed to keep your body functioning.

Breathing, cell production, pumping blood, and keeping your body temperature up all require calories to function.

A beating heart requires calories, which factors into your BMR.

This means that even when you sit perfectly still, you still use plenty of calories keeping your body in good working order.

“Basal” more or less means “basic,” so you can think of BMR as the number of calories needed for basic daily functions.

Your sex, weight, and height will all affect the number of calories you need, which is why they are variables in our equation above.

The taller you are, or the more you weigh, the higher your BMR will be. 

There is simply more of you to fuel: more blood to pump, more cells to produce, more body mass to transport and manage.

Your age will also factor in: the older you get the lower your BMR will be.

Roughly two-thirds of the calories you need each day go into keeping your body running.

The other third?

That goes into powering your motion.

You know, because going from one place to another requires energy. So does lifting stuff.

So let’s talk about Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) next.


The more you move, the more calories you use, the higher your TDEE. Which is why this LEGO loves to play tennis!

Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is an estimate of how many total calories you burn in a day.

Since your BMR calculates the calories you need for a state of rest, we need to factor in movement and exercise to get an idea of how many calories you burn each day.

I wonder if this dog knows how his exercise factors into their TDEE and calorie goals. Probably not.

To do this, we’ll take your BMR and multiply it by an “Activity Level” factor.[3]

Activity Levels can be thought of as the following:

Sedentary. You regularly have to tell Netflix you are still watching.  You don’t intentionally exercise at all.

Sedentary = BMR x 1.2

Lightly Active. You casually stroll through your neighborhood a few times a week. On average, you walk for exercise about 30 minutes a day. Another way to think about this would be 15 minutes per day of vigorous exercise like running or lifting weights.  

Light Active = BMR x 1.375

Moderately Active. If we called the gym on a weeknight looking for you, they’d find you. This averages out to about one hour and 45 minutes of walking (for exercise, not going around your house) a day, or 50 minutes of vigorous exercise a day.

Moderately Active = BMR x 1.55

Very Active. You work in construction during the day and you’re on the company softball team. This averages out to about four hours and 15 minutes of walking (again, for intentional exercise) a day, or two hours of vigorous exercise.

Very Active = BMR x 1.725

If you’re following along at home, you may notice that different Activity Levels can make a big difference for the calories burned.

Let’s use some numbers:

Suppose you’re male, 35 years old, weigh 200 pounds and are six foot even (72 inches).

You’re also wearing a Nerd Fitness Shield Tee and it looks great on you. It really brings out your eyes.

Awesome shirt or no awesome shirt, we know your BMR comes in at 1,882 calories given the variables we identified. Which means you’ll need roughly 1,900 calories for basic bodily functions.

This is where things get interesting.

If you’re Sedentary, we’ll multiply 1,882 (BMR) by 1.2 to get a TDEE of 2,258, which means you’ll need 2,258 calories to maintain your current weight, support bodily functions and to walk around your house, to go from your car to your office, from your office back home, etc.

Let’s imagine a scenario where you are not Sedentary. Instead, we’ll calculate that you are Lightly Active, meaning you walk around your neighborhood a few times a week.

We take your BMR of 1,882 and multiply it by 1.375 to get a TDEE of 2,588.

The difference between Lightly Active and Sedentary is 230 calories, about what you’d find in a single glazed donut.

This donut is about 230 calories, the difference between Lightly Active and Sedentary when determining TDEE.

Let’s keep going.

Let’s say you hit your local gym a few times a week for strength training practice. And on your off days, you do a little yoga and take walks.

This will push you into the “Moderately Active” category.

We take your BMR of 1,882 and multiply it by 1.55 to get a TDEE of 2,917.

The difference between Sedentary and Moderately Active would be 659 calories.

That’s an extra meal’s worth of calories!

For reference, here are some examples of things that are roughly 650 calories:

#1) A whole meal’s worth of Sicilian fish with sweet potatoes:

This meal is about 650 calories, roughly the difference Sedentary and Moderately Active when calculating TDEE.

#2) One Big Mac® with Bacon:

This burger is about 650 calories, roughly the difference Sedentary and Moderately Active when calculating TDEE.

#3) A large Orange Dream Machine® from Jamba Juice:

This smoothie is about 650 calories, roughly the difference Sedentary and Moderately Active when calculating TDEE.

All of those three options above are the same number of calories – however they vary widely in how full they will make you feel!

Maybe you can see where this is going:

We tend to UNDERestimate how many calories we consume, and then OVERestimate how much exercise we’re doing. 

And the fitness trackers we wear? As studies show, they notoriously overestimate how many calories we’re burning by upwards of 20%![4]

So, even when our AppleWatches and Fitbits tell us we are exercising enough to lose weight, the scale might not be budging.

And nope, our metabolism isn’t broken. The reality is that we’re simply eating too many calories to induce weight loss.

NOTE: I’ve used the word “estimate” several times in this article and will continue to do so. It’s important to know that although BMR and TDEE can be helpful caloric information for many, there are limitations in their calculations.

Hormones, genetics, medicine, and macronutrient ratio can all influence calorie needs for individuals.

Said another way, it’s CRUCIAL that we take our BMR and our TDEE as a starting point, not the definitive “answer.”

It’s the place we can start from, and then adjust based on how our bodies respond!

As we’ve just seen, different Activity Levels can influence the TDEE greatly too.

This is why Activity Level might be a “trap” when doing TDEE calculations!

Your Activity Level could through off your TDEE calculations. Be careful!


Throwing a bunch of other people on a bike, like this LEGO is doing, could help you raise your Activity Level to achieve a higher TDEE.

We people are notoriously bad at estimating our Activity Level.

As I said above, we’re also terrible at tracking calories accurately and almost always underestimate (often by as much as 30-50%+ percent).

Study after study demonstrates that people evaluate their movement and exercise greater than what it actually is.[5]

Not only that, but our fitness trackers overestimate by at least 20% how many calories we expend through exercise too [6]

Our Fitbit trackers might not be super accurate when reporting calories burned. Take this into account when referencing your TDEE.

We think we’re working out “intensely” for 60 minutes and eat like we’re professional athletes. However, when researchers look at stuff like heart rate, VO2 max, and calories burned, they determine that we actually only exercised “moderately.”

What does this mean for regular people like you and me? If the goal is weight loss, pick the Activity Level below your initial guess.

Instead of “Moderately Active,” pick “Lightly Active.”

This will give you a more accurate estimate of your caloric needs, and give you a larger margin for error when trying to lose weight!

The other thing to consider would be strength training.

As we mention in our “Lose Weight and Build Muscle” article, strength training requires a lot of calories out of your body, not only for the exercise itself, but also for rebuilding muscle too.

In general, consider strength training to be “vigorous exercise,” which we highlighted above. If it takes 30 mins of walking a day to be “Lightly Active,” 15 minutes of daily strength training would roughly be equivalent.

If estimating your Activity Level and TDEE is starting to freak you out:

Don't Panic over your BMR and TDEE. Take it as a starting point and move on!

Trying to pick and calculate the right amount of calories to consume can be stressful.

Especially if you’ve had trouble losing weight in the past. And that’s just the math part – we haven’t even got to the psychological part about how delicious pizza and ice cream are.

It’s actually the reason we created our uber-popular 1-on-1 Coaching Program. We sought to take all the guesswork out of getting in shape, by creating a program to tell you exactly what to do.

We work with busy people just like you level up their lives in a permanent and sustainable fashion.

Nerd Fitness Coaching Banner


Batman knows his TDEE and sticks to his calorie goals, which is where the six pack comes from. That and fighting crime all night.

If you’ve read this far into the article, I imagine you are interested in learning your Total Daily Energy Expenditure for weight loss.

I also imagine you support my belief that The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie ever made:

I started this article by stating that if you are having trouble losing weight, it’s because you are eating too many calories.

The TDEE we calculated above will give us a good estimate of calories you require each day – if your scale is staying constant: congrats! You found your ‘calorie equilibrium.’ This means your body burns just as many calories as you consume each day.

However, I’m going to guess you’re here because your goal is to see the scale go down!

Think of it this way: if your weight is fairly consistent, your body is currently in equilibrium. You burn the same number of calories that you consume every day.

So, in order for you to lose weight, you need to start reducing your total calorie intake, which then forces your body to start burning the stored fat you have for energy.

You’ve already calculated roughly how many calories you burn (your TDEE) on a daily basis, let’s see roughly how many calories you’re consuming each day too!

(If your weight is staying steady, then these numbers should be relatively close – provided your tracking is accurate!)

It’s this nerd’s humble opinion that the easiest way to track calories consumed is with an app.

We live in the future.

Do they track calories and TDEE automatically in the future? Maybe.

Use a smartphone and download one of the following to track your food intake:

  1. My Fitness Pal. The gold standard of calorie counting apps. It’s also the most popular, supporting the largest food database in the game. Plus it can download recipes from the internet and provide an estimate of calories.
  2. FatSecret. Basic, simple, and free, FatSecret is a great calorie tracker. It’ll allow you to connect with other users, plus it’s got a barcode scanner for caloric content from labels. Super nifty.
  3. Lose it! Another free calorie counting app, focusing more on goal setting. Additionally, the Snap It™ feature lets you use pictures for data input. Double nifty.

You certainly don’t have to use the app forever.

But a solid week’s worth of data will help you get a sense of the food you are consuming, especially if you eat roughly the same food each day.

You can then compare this to your TDEE.

In order to lose weight, you need to have your calories consumed less than your TDEE on average.

(If you’re currently thinking, “but Steve according to my stats I burn way more calories than I consume, but I’m not losing weight!” I would read this.)

Some numbers to think about: 3,500 calories equals roughly one pound of fat. There are seven days in a week.

Basic math suggests if you want to lose one pound of body fat in a week (a sustainable goal for some), you need to create a caloric deficit of 500 calories a day: either through consuming 500 fewer calories, burning 500 more calories, or a combination of the two.

Let’s imagine that your TDEE is 2,500. This would mean you’d have to consume around 2,000 calories a day to lose around a pound per week.

As we discuss to great detail in our “Why Can’t I Lose Weight” guide, sustained weight loss is largely a result of controlling the first half of the equation: “calories in.”

If you’ll remember, your BMR is about two-thirds of the total calories used, independent of movement. And most people overestimate exercise and underestimate consumption.

So controlling calories in is the most effective way to sustain weight loss.

Said another way, it’s much more difficult to sustainably increase your Activity Level than it is to reduce the calories you consume. 

After all, what’s more likely to become a lifelong habit? Making a substitution on the food you’re consuming, or suddenly exercising for 90 minutes every single day after being a couch potato?

This couch potato knows how hard it can be to raise your activity level to increase your TDEE.

So start by focusing on fixing your food intake!

What’s the easiest way to eat fewer calories consistently? By eating REAL food.


Because real foods are more likely to fill you up and satisfy your hunger while also keeping you under your calorie intake goal for the day. Remember that example above comparing a full dinner vs a burger vs a shake.

Our earlier example showing you 650 calories in food.


Berries are low in calories and full of vital nutrients, which make them a great addition to a healthy diet.

The Nerd Fitness philosophy on diet can be written in six words:

“You’re smart. Eat more REAL food.”

I lay it all out in our Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating, but you’re smart – you know what real food is:

Food that grew in the ground, on a tree, ran on the land, swam in the sea, or flew through the air.

Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts are all great examples of REAL food. This is what you should be eating more of.

The fine folks at WiseGEEK did an awesome post where they took pictures of what 200 calories of a certain food looks like.

200 calories of broccoli gets you enough broccoli to fill up an entire plate:

200 calories of broccoli is a huge plate full!

Or half a Snickers bar:

200 calories is only one half of a Snickers bar.


By eating REAL food, you have a MUCH higher margin for error to stay under your calorie goal for the day.

  • If you “accidentally overeat broccoli,” you might accidentally eat an additional 20-30 calories.
  • If you accidentally overeat candy or soda or processed foods, you can consume an extra 500+ calories without feeling satiated or full.

If you want to create a caloric deficit consistently, focusing on REAL food gives you the best fighting chance. Before you get all huffy, I know a Snickers bar is way more delicious than broccoli – it was designed in a lab by scientists to be AMAZING!

I’m not gonna tell you to never eat a Snickers ever again either.

Instead, you need to start being proactive about your food choices. If you’re gonna eat a Snickers, plan for it (or adjust after) by reducing your calorie intake elsewhere (or consider skipping a meal).

If the scale isn’t budging  – you’re still eating too much!

If only Kramer had known his TDEE, he wouldn't be shocked to learn he eats too much.

Want help with any of this?

Many of our coaching clients found weight loss previously unattainable, until one of our trained professionals objectively reviewed their life and provided actionable feedback. Now, some of them have lost between 50-100 pounds!


These LEGOs are searching for the perfect diet in this piece of fruit. I think they're doing it wrong.

Should you do the Mediterranean Diet? Keto? Vegan? Paleo?


They all follow the same premise: by changing or eliminating large food groups, you’re more likely than not to eat a caloric deficit without a struggle.

And certain people respond better to certain diets than others.

So yes, any of those diets can help you lose weight in the short term – but you need to stick with the changes permanently to make the results stick permanently!

I personally follow a mental model diet, that focuses on real food most of the time, and occasionally includes some junk food. I plan my week of eating ahead of time:

#1) Minimize processed food – they’re designed for you to overeat them. Take a look again at that Snickers bar. Do you really think you’d only eat half of one to stick to 200 calories? Of course not. This argument is more or less the rationale for following a paleo diet.

These ribs would be part of the Paleo Diet. But did they calculate their TDEE first?

#2) Eat veggies. Vegetables are nutrient dense and light on calories. Because of all the fiber, they are also tough to overeat. Imagine eating all that broccoli. Are you going for seconds? Probably not. So eat your veggies to help keep you full. Hate vegetables? I once was like you. Read “How to make vegetables taste good“.

#3) Be wary of liquid calories. Cut back on soda, juices, smoothies, and any beverage with calories. Even most coffee orders (with sugar, cream, etc.) will have a ton of hidden calories. All these drinks are sugar bombs since there is no fiber to balance out all the carbs you are consuming. Stick to water, and unsweetened tea or coffee. Here are our thoughts on diet soda.

#4) Prioritize protein. When your body heals itself, like after exercise, your body uses protein as the building block of muscle rebuilding. Outside of repairing your body, protein will also work to keep you full and satiated: 400 calories of chicken will leave you wayyy more full than 400 calories worth of Gatorade.[7] If you prioritize protein on your plate, you’ll be doing a lot of the heavy lifting on proper nutrition. As we lay out in our epic “How Much Protein Should I Eat?” guide, some great sources of protein include chicken, eggs, beef, pork, fish, nuts, legumes, quinoa, and most dairy products.

These four points will help you on your journey to create a caloric deficit.

Disclaimer: this is all easier said than done. After all, 70% of the country is overweight. Don’t worry though, because most of them don’t read Nerd Fitness.

You do. This is like a strategy guide for life.

We’ve helped thousands of people like you here at NF, and we really focus on nutrition.

Like we said, it’s 90% of the battle!

It’s why we created our 10-level nutritional system. Each level gets a bit more challenging and healthier, but you can progress at your own speed to make your changes stick and help you eat aligned with your calorie goals without making things overly complicated.

The name of the game here at Nerd Fitness is “consistency.”

You can download our 10-Level Nutrition Guide when you sign up in the box right here:


Now you are ready to use your TDEE to achieve your fitness goals!

Let’s recap this whole guide for you, with some actionable steps:

#1)Determine your BMR and TDEE. This will be critical for computing your caloric deficit.  They’re good numbers to keep in mind during the whole experiment. Calculate your TDEE here.

#2) Track everything, as is, for one week. Log everything you eat. No judgment. If you eat five slices of pizza in a night, count every slice.

This step alone has helped many Rebels turn their lives around. Consider a food tracking app or online tracker to educate yourself!

#3) Compare numbers. Where is your current caloric intake at? How does this compare against your TDEE? If your intake is higher than your TDEE, you’re likely gaining body fat. We want to flip the equation.

#4) Create a caloric deficit. The easiest and most sustainable way to do this is to eat REAL food. Sorry. Steve is going to tough love you on this one.

And remember, a 500 calorie deficit a day could help you lose one pound of body fat in a week. REAL food is the easiest way to achieve this.

#5) Track progress. Continue to track caloric intake to ensure you expend more calories than you consume.  

That’s it.

You can do this. I know you can because many of our readers have done it themselves.

Both BIll and I know you will use your TDEE to reach your fitness goals!

Want help taking your next step after calculating your TDEE? I have MULTIPLE options for you. Pick the path below that best aligns with your goals and timeline:

1) If you want step-by-step guidance on how to lose weight, eat better, and get stronger, check out our killer 1-on-1 coaching program:

Nerd Fitness Coaching Banner

2) Good at following instructions? Check out our self-paced online course, the Nerd Fitness Academy.

The Academy has 20+ workouts for both bodyweight or weight training, a benchmark test to determine your starting workout, HD demonstrations of every movement, boss battles, meal plans, a questing system, and supportive community.

3) Join the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion. 

Sign up in the box below when you download our free weight loss guide!

You can do this, and we got your back!


PS: Seriously, how great is The Shawshank Redemption? I could quote that movie all day long.

If you don’t agree…


All photo citations can be found right here.[8]

Click here to read More Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder Greenville 

from Greenville Brain Training


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